Objective: evaluation of the potential of the Blanco Lexítimo variety in Ribeira Sacra for the development of the new Premium range wines

Ponte da Boga developed a project, in collaboration with the USC and CSIC, to characterise and evaluate the potential of the Blanco Lexítimo variety in the cultivation conditions of Ribeira Sacra.

A detailed analysis of the climatic conditions of the Ribeira Sacra and the characteristics of the soil where it is grown was carried out, assessing the phenology of the variety and its ecophysiological behaviour, as well as its productive response and oenological potential by means of aromatic and physical-chemical characterisation, comparing it with other reference varieties in order to assess its potential as a new range of wine from Ponte da Boga.

Adega Ponte da Boga + University of Santiago de Compostela + Biological Mission of Galicia (CSIC)