The oldest winery of the Ribeira Sacra, located in the setting of the River Edo, a tributary of the Sil, on its route through Castro Caldelas.
It was founded in 1898 by the family of Pascasio Fernández, from Castro Caldelas, with the hope of creating the first winery in the area to market its own wine made from grapes from its vineyard.

In 2006, out of love for their land, and enchanted by the Ribeira Sacra, the Rivera family purchased Adega Ponte da Boga and embarked on a new stage; that of revitalising a vineyard that is unique in the world.

The harvest is perhaps the moment when the work of the winegrowers is shown in all its harshness, watching them carry the grapes up the steep slopes surrounding the canyons of the River Sil.
This annual pilgrimage takes on an almost religious meaning because of the sacrifice of their work and their faith that the results of their effort will be worthwhile. It is normal to see harnesses used to be able to reach some vines as the only way to access the vineyards, as well as boats crossing the river.
Because of all this, wine making under these conditions is known as heroic viticulture.

P is for our Primary wine, the best example of the potential of the Queen of the Ribeira Sacra, the Mencía grape, painstakingly tended to by the growers.
FORGOTTEN TERRACES. Forgotten, but not lost. The recovery of two exceptional and unique vineyards: Miño and Sil; slate and shale. The most special example of our Mencía after it has been in a barrel.
CAPRICHO DE MERENZAO. Only from a unique terroir such as the Alais vineyard could such an excitingly different wine be born, where finesse and intensity come together in our Capricho.
CAPRICHO DE SOUSÓN. Fresh, vibrant, powerful and elegant, this is our other whim, our other capricho: the Sousón. A unique monovarietal wine that is born of our best plots to express all the personality of a variety that demands centre stage.
PORTO DE LOBOS. On the dizzying terrain of the Porto de Lobos estate, we have started cultivating the Brancellao variety again, which gives rise to a wine with an Atlantic character, fresh and powerful.

G is for Godello and Genuine, the most modern and traditional of our wines, the best example of the white wines of Ribeira Sacra.
A is for Albariño and Adaptation, to the land and the microclimate of a special plot, O Condiño, which makes even the familiar seem surprising.

VINOS DE AUTOR (Designer wines). Mencía Rosé, our most musical wine. A red that chimes like a white, or a white that chimes like a red. An independent and rebellious rosé.

Blancsacro Project: developed by Ponte da Boga in collaboration with the USC and CSIC. It aims to characterise and evaluate the potential of the Blanco Lexítimo variety in the cultivation conditions of Ribeira Sacra…